We build the networks to power the next web.
'KETTE' is Germany's first business network for various industries, that want to use Blockchain, Distributed Ledger and other disruptive technologies. We connect international enterprises with thought leaders and solution providers with the goal of jointly initiating projects, creating new business models and making investments.

with peers from multinational firms

experiences and gain valuable insights

co-create, build & scale

in ventures and accelerate new business
Be part of the next Blockchain Enterprise Roundtable

25. Juli 2019 in Munich

Join our casual after-work Roundtable. Each workshop is attended by Decision Makers and focuses on a selected topics to be discussed interactively.

Blockchain Enterprise Roundtable#1

If you actively work on a Blockchain/DLT project in a major corporate or multinational - this roundtable is for you: The wild wild west days of Blockchain are over. But what did actually happen in the corporate environment and among multinationals?

We believe Blockchain marks the next step in the evolution of digital transformation and are fully focused on bringing this ecosystem forward.